Today we made peg doll people.
We needed wooden clothes pegs, fabric, string or wool, pipe cleaners, PVA glue, scissors and a black marker pen.
This is how we made them.
First we drew the face on the peg with the marker pen. Next we twisted the pipe-cleaner around the peg and that made the arms.
Then we chose some fabric for the clothes. To keep the clothes on we wrapped the string around the peg and the fabric. We tied the wool into a knot. Some people were very good at tying knots and other people learnt how to tie knots. We put some PVA glue on the head and struggled to glue the hair on.
N.L drew a helmet on his Darth Vader. It was quite fiddly to make but it was fun. we had some photos taken of our peg people.
We are proud of our efforts.